Aaron Bogle

Feb 1, 20206 min

How to INSTANTLY improve lead quality (No Matter What Business)

For those who want a video:

I'm going to show you how to improve your lead quality literally like that instantly, so that way the money you're spending on those leads are actually promising, and those leads are going to actually buy your product or service.

So, you may have seen people bragging about oh, how they've been able to get a hundred leads in let's say like four days or something like that. So that's because these are pretty much very low-quality leads.

So what these low-quality leads are, are leads that aren't really going to buy your product or service, for example.

A high-quality lead is someone who's really, really intended on actually buying your product or service, but you still have to do some convincing. You still have to show them your value before they actually decide to buy it.

And don't get me wrong, getting a hundred leads or a lot of leads, a lot of low quality leads, is still very valuable because you can use that to

1. Retarget those leads, which I'll talk about later in this video, or you can set up a look alike audience in which Facebook is going to find the people who are most similar to those let's say a hundred leads that you got and then these people are more inclined to become leads.

And then you can do the strategies I'm going to talk about now, so that way the only people that become leads are leads that are actually going to buy your product or service.

So the first tip I want to tell you guys is to use the copy to your advantage to qualify the leads so that you only get high quality leads.

The easiest way to do this is just to put the price of your product or service right there on the Facebook ad. So, for example, if you're selling $100 product or you're selling $100 service, say that it's $100.

You might want to say that you're having a special or something like that. Real plain and simple, just say the price, so that way when people actually see your ad and then they actually see the price and they still become a lead, they already know what the price is.

That means they're actually inclined to buy your product or service. So give them value and then just say the price flat out, like I'm charging this amount of money. And then if the person still becomes a lead, you can rest assured that they're very, very interested in your product or service.

The next way to improve the lead quality instantly is to have long copy. So you may have seen some advertisements where it's literally a book of all this information and all these testimonials maybe, or like a story for the most part.

Well, there are two reasons why people do long copy. A, with long copy people are consuming your content more. They're more invested into you, and if they're more invested into you, that builds more trust between you and the customer and the more trust that the customer has,

the more likely they are to actually become a lead and buy whatever product or service that you're selling. And also, they do it because the longer that someone spends on that Facebook ad, that sends a positive signal to Facebook,

saying to Facebook, hey, this person actually liked this ad. He's not just scrolling past this Facebook ad. We should promote this ad more, since it grabs people's attention and keeps people on Facebook.

And with your long form, you can explain a lot of different aspects of your product or service. You can say the experience, what people should expect, and then again, you can also say the price of it, as well.

So if people consume the long-form and they know the price of your product or service, you can rest assured that they're actually going to become a lead that's actually going to buy your product or service.

So this next tip to improve your Facebook ad lead quality, which I was kind of alluding to in the beginning of the video, is to use a warm audience.

So if you have a pixeled audience or if you had an audience that's on an email list or an audience that's seen your ads before and that they know who you are already, they're a lot, 10, 20, 30 40, 1000 times more likely to buy the product or service that you are selling,

because they've seen you before, you're not a stranger to them. And with warm audiences, you don't have to qualify as much in your Facebook ad, and these people are still more likely to become a lead and actually buy the product or service that you're selling.

The next tip I want to give you is to increase the steps in your lead funnel.

So I would avoid this if you're in eCommerce, because the more friction that you have, the less people are going to actually buy whatever product you're selling. But if you're a service based industry and you want to make sure that the people who are, let's say booking a time slot with you or you just becoming lead in general,

you want more steps, because if people are going through all those steps, they're going through all the hoops, they're going through the circus, just to become a lead for you, then you can be pretty rest assured that they're actually interested in the product or service that you're selling.

But be aware. You don't want to include way too many steps, because there becomes a point where even as a person who wants to really want your product, it comes to a point where it's just not worth it anymore

if there's like 20 steps just to become a lead or just to book a call, so maybe something like let's say three to five steps for a person to become a lead. I would just stick with the three.

You want it to be lower, but you don't want it to be just one step, because then you get those low-quality leads and those people aren't as invested in you to actually buy your product or service.

And then the last tip I want to give you to improve your lead quality is to just say it outright.

Just say to those people, hey, we only want people who are motivated, who actually want this product or service. So if you're actually interested, please go ahead and fill out the lead form below or come to our site and book a call with us.

But if you're not, please just keep scrolling and looking at cat videos for the most part. So by just saying it outright, you're going to pretty much disqualify the people who are just looking and who are just like, you know, maybe I'll become a lead, maybe I won't.

And then people are a lot less likely to actually become a lead, and the people who aren't serious about actually buying your product or service are a lot less inclined to actually go in there and book a call with you.

And that overall is just going to waste a lot of time, because if they book a call and they're not really interested in your product or service, someone else out there could have booked a call in the same time slot that is a high quality lead.

So by just saying it outright, you can literally filter out all the people who are just not interested in your product or service.

So just as a review, put the price in your copy, try to do long form copy, target a warm audience, have more steps into your funnel, so that way people have more invested into you. And just say it outright, that hey, we only want people who are actually very interested in buying our product or service.

So just as a tidbit, you're going to be paying more for those leads, because you're filtering out people, so that's going to make it more expensive. But you can be pretty happy that when you only get five leads, but four of them buy, then it's better than maybe getting 50 leads and only five of them buy, for the most part, because once again, leads don't really matter if they don't turn into customers.

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